2 results found for James Lovelock

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Climate change on the living Earth

by James Lovelock
Climate change on the living Earth
for 18-22 y hacia arriba,
Charlas | 18-22 y hacia arriba | 14 years ago | 1722 views

Observations from around the Earth suggest that even the gloomiest predictions of climate change from the 2007 IPCC report may underestimate the seriousness of the changes due this century. In this lecture, Professor James Lovelock discusses the cons....

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James Lovelock – A Final Warning

by James Lovelock
James Lovelock – A Final Warning
for All ages,
Entrevistas | All ages | 14 years ago | 1946 views

James Lovelock is best known as the father of Gaia theory; the idea that all parts of our planet form a complex interacting system, like a single organism. His new book depicts Gaia in trouble. In this interview Lovelock sounds a final warning for pl....

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