3 results found for medicine

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Antibiotic Resistance

by Aditya Desai
Antibiotic Resistance
for 14-19 and upwards,
Highschool presentations | 14-19 and upwards | 9 years ago | 1657 views

Aditya and William give a cartoonists vision of this important subject.

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Plagues and Parasites

by Nicholas White
Plagues and Parasites
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 14 years ago | 1351 views

Contagions, or infectious diseases, which kill both fascinate and frighten us. Far from receding in importance as was expected fifty years ago in the heyday of new antibiotic discovery, infectious diseases remain a major cause of suffering and death ....

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The Development, Use and Impact of Penicillin

by Lucas Paladino
The Development, Use and Impact of Penicillin
for 14-19 and upwards,
Undergraduate presentations | 14-19 and upwards | 14 years ago | 3372 views

Lucas Paladino gives a brief overview of the development, use and impact of penicillin.

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