2 results found for history

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The Origin of Elementary Particle Masses

by Francois Englert
The Origin of Elementary Particle Masses
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1177 views

In the beginning of the 60s, the laws of classical general relativity, Einstein's generalisation of Newtonian gravity, and of quantum electrodynamics, the quantum version of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, were known. These laws describe long range....

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What is Color?

by Daniel Stribling
What is Color?
for 11-14 and upwards,
Teaching modules | 11-14 and upwards | 9 years ago | 2157 views

FSU undergrad, Daniel Stribling, investigates the intimate relationship between light and color. Daniel discusses the history, physics, and theory of light to engage young learners and encourage them to be excited about science.

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