202 results found for lindau-nobel

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Finding Mutations that Affect Immunity

by Bruce Beutler
Finding Mutations that Affect Immunity
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1615 views

Beginning with an exception to normal function caused by a genetic aberration, one may hope to find at least one protein with non-redundant function in a certain biological process. This approach permitted the identification of the receptor for bacte....

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Insight into the Laws of Nature for Biological Evolution

by Werner Arber
Insight into the Laws of Nature for Biological Evolution
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1718 views

Both evolutionary biology and genetics have their roots 150 years ago in work with phenotypic variants of plants and animals. In contrast, microbial genetics originating as recently as the 1940s, rapidly revealed that filamentous DNA molecules are th....

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From Proto-oncogenes to Precision Oncology

by Harold Varmus
From Proto-oncogenes to Precision Oncology
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1826 views

The diagnosis, classification, and treatment of human cancers are being transformed by scientific discoveries that were strongly influenced by the discovery of the c-src proto-oncogene, as described in the lecture by Michael Bishop. The path to this ....

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The State of the Universe

by Brian Schmidt
The State of the Universe
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1257 views

Our Universe was created in 'The Big Bang' and has been expanding ever since. Brian Schmidt describe the vital statistics of the Universe, including its size, weight, shape, age, and composition. He also tries to make sense of the Universe's past, pr....

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A New Kilogram in 2018: The Biggest Revolution in Metrology Since the French Revolution

by Klaus vonKlitzing
A New Kilogram in 2018: The Biggest Revolution in Metrology Since the French Revolution
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1420 views

Metrology - the science of measurements - is responsible for the international uniformity and precision in standards. Today, the seven units for meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela of our international system of units (SI units....

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What About Redefining Time Using a Stable Laser?

by John Hall
What About Redefining Time Using a Stable Laser?
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1396 views

Several laser-based Atomic Clocks now have an accuracy potential of ~2 x10-18, a hundred-fold better than the best achieved after more than 60 years' experience with rf resonances in Cs atoms. Still, this long attention span documents that the Cs Fou....

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Global Warming Revisited

by Ivar Giaever
Global Warming Revisited
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1546 views

Because of the following statement from the American Physical Society: “The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth's physical and ecological systems, s....

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Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and its Role in Cosmology

by Robert Wilson
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and its Role in Cosmology
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 2099 views

In the first half of the 20th century other galaxies were recognized, their red shift measured and theories of the whole universe were developed. They included Big Bang and Steady State. Arno Penzias and I found the Cosmic Microwave Radiation (CMB) i....

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The Future of Particle Physics

by David Gross
The Future of Particle Physics
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1609 views

Elementary Particle Physics seeks to discover the basic constituents of matter and understand the fundamental forces that act on them. In this lecture I shall review the current state of particle physics, the grand success of the ñstandard modelî, ....

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A Random Walk in Science

by Steven Chu
A Random Walk in Science
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1918 views

I will discuss my random walk in science, from my graduate student on postdoctoral years testing the Weinberg-Salam-Glashow theory of electro-weak forces, and then to energy transfer in condensed matter systems, the spectroscopy of positronium, laser....

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Gamma Ray Bursts: Windows on the Universe

by George Smoot
Gamma Ray Bursts: Windows on the Universe
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1684 views

Gamma-Ray Bursts are the most powerful explosions in the universe. They happen about once per day in the visible universe. Their fantastic engines pump out as much energy in a matter of seconds as all the stars in a galaxy do in a billion years. This....

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Discovery of the Higgs Particle

by Martinus Veltman
Discovery of the Higgs Particle
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 8 years ago | 1488 views

Recently the Higgs particle has been discovered at CERN. This particle was theoretically predicted. The historical development of field theory, leading to this prediction will be discussed.

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