20 results found for physics

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Life in Space

by Helen Sharman
Life in Space
for 14-19 and upwards,
Discussions | 14-19 and upwards | 15 years ago | 1606 views

Helen Sharman, the UK's first astronaut, gives a vibrant account of her personal experience of life in space using models and film to illustrate the key scientific concepts involved in spaceflight. Among other things she discusses the way Newton's Th....

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Newton’s laws of motion

by Joe Wolfe
Newton’s laws of motion
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 15 years ago | 1422 views

F=ma (laws 1&2). Forces come in pairs that add to zero (3). Newton's laws apply in inertial frames of reference. Some common approximations made in applying them.

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Simple harmonic motion

by Joe Wolfe
Simple harmonic motion
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 15 years ago | 1409 views

In simple harmonic motion, displacement, velocity and acceleration vary sinusoidally with time, but with different phases.

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Circular motion

by Joe Wolfe
Circular motion
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 15 years ago | 1928 views

Uniform circular motion: angular displacement and velocity are introduced and centripetal acceleration is determined.

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Projectile motion

by Joe Wolfe
Projectile motion
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 15 years ago | 1379 views

Motion with uniform acceleration, such as in a uniform gravitational (or electric) field is projectile motion, analysed here with examples.

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Motion with constant acceleration (kinematics)

by Joe Wolfe
Motion with constant acceleration (kinematics)
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 15 years ago | 1743 views

Kinematics quantifies motion without explaining the causes of it. Here we study accelerations that are zero, positive or negative.

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Crater Formation in Sand

by Colin Byfleet
Crater Formation in Sand
for 11-14 and upwards,
Teaching modules | 11-14 and upwards | 16 years ago | 4413 views

A description and demonstration of the way in which craters formed by dropping objects into sand can be linked to some elementary physics

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A Quantum Gas

by Slobodan Danko Bosanac
A Quantum Gas
for 22 and upwards,
Lectures | 22 and upwards | 16 years ago | 2128 views

The quantum gas is an extreme state of an ensemble of atoms when their de Broglie wave length is of the same length as the size of the container. The ways of achieving this state are described and also how its temperature is defined.

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