3 results found for environment

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Catalysis at Surfaces: From Atoms to Complexity

by Gerhard Ertl
Catalysis at Surfaces: From Atoms to Complexity
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 9 years ago | 1446 views

Catalysis by solid surfaces is, among others, of importance for the chemical industry (e.g. the Haber-Bosch process) as well as for environmental chemistry (car exhaust catalyst).  Surface physical techniques enable investigation of the underlying e....

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Chemistry: the Key to Our Future

by Ryoji Noyori
Chemistry: the Key to Our Future
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 9 years ago | 1396 views

Chemistry is not merely a science of making observations in order to better understand Nature. Our science is creative and productive, generating substances of very high value from almost nothing. Chemists already have made enormous contribution to....

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Molecular Catalysis for Green Chemistry

by Ryoji Noyori
Molecular Catalysis for Green Chemistry
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 9 years ago | 1368 views

Science is inevitably intertwined with society.  The state of the art of science, coupled with industrial endeavors, has determined our quality of life.  Chemists are proud of their ability to generate high value from almost nothing by using accumu....

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