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The Square Kilometre Array

by Rosie Bolton
The Square Kilometre Array
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 8 years ago | 4800 views

Rosie Bolton describes the importance of this huge project and some of the interesting problems which needed to be solved in its planning and implementation.

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The eerie silence – are we alone in the universe?

by Paul Davies
The eerie silence – are we alone in the universe?
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 14 years ago | 2289 views

Fifty years ago, a young astronomer named Frank Drake pointed a radio telescope at nearby stars in the hope of picking up a signal from an alien civilization. Thus began one of the boldest scientific projects in history: the Search for Extraterrestri....

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Mega-impact on Mars

by Maria Zuber
Mega-impact on Mars
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 14 years ago | 1731 views

Scientists have identified what could be the largest impact structure in the Solar System, created on Mars at about the same time as the Moon-forming impact on Earth.

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The Development of Molecular Radio Astronomy and IR Techniques

by Harry Kroto
The Development of Molecular Radio Astronomy and IR Techniques
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 15 years ago | 6628 views

The development of molecular radio astronomy and infra red techniques and the information they yield on the composition of the interstellar medium: interstellar clouds, stellar envelopes etc.

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Radio Astronomy – Resolution Issues

by Harry Kroto
Radio Astronomy – Resolution Issues
for 18-22 and upwards,
Lectures | 18-22 and upwards | 15 years ago | 2011 views

Radio astronomy - resolution issues. The detection of long carbon chain molecules by radio astronomy. The conjectures on the origin of the chains in space and their possible relationship with the Diffuse Interstellar Bands that initiated the experime....

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