3 results found for astronomy

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The Square Kilometre Array

by Rosie Bolton
The Square Kilometre Array
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 8 years ago | 4800 views

Rosie Bolton describes the importance of this huge project and some of the interesting problems which needed to be solved in its planning and implementation.

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The eerie silence – are we alone in the universe?

by Paul Davies
The eerie silence – are we alone in the universe?
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 14 years ago | 2289 views

Fifty years ago, a young astronomer named Frank Drake pointed a radio telescope at nearby stars in the hope of picking up a signal from an alien civilization. Thus began one of the boldest scientific projects in history: the Search for Extraterrestri....

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Mega-impact on Mars

by Maria Zuber
Mega-impact on Mars
for 14-19 and upwards,
Lectures | 14-19 and upwards | 14 years ago | 1731 views

Scientists have identified what could be the largest impact structure in the Solar System, created on Mars at about the same time as the Moon-forming impact on Earth.

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